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A private investment portfolio of companies with transformative technology and ideas in the UK, Netherlands & USA.

A private investment portfolio of companies
with transformative technology and ideas in
the UK, Netherlands & USA.

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Flobas Ventures

Our portfolio covers different technologies and industries; all with a common drive to transform their industry practices at relatively low CAPEX / OPEX, while aiming to use existing infrastructure.

Flobas supports the companies with capital and advises on strategy and growth challenges.

“Driven by curiosity with a passion for science and business, we invest in tech driven, domain expertise companies, but most importantly we back people: good chemistry with the team, ambitious founders knowing the industry, realistic with tenacity. From venture to enterprise.”
Jogchum Brinksma, Flobas Ventures Founder

We like to create syndicates of “in-the-know” investors, taking an active hands-on role as board members to drive momentum in executing the chosen strategy in close harmony with the entrepreneurs.

We offer our seasoned network of industry experts to create a sounding board for “down-to-Earth” conversations, while sharing valuable scar tissue as lessons learned and offer their network to accelerate.


Special attention is given to innovations
contributing to the global Energy Transition
and a decarbonised future.

We made a deep dive into batteries, advanced materials, hydrogen and energy storage. As well as the economics for alternative fuels in shipping. We believe all our Energy Transition investments are interrelated, like branches of a tree.

We seek innovative growth, climate-oriented investments, such as technology contributing to a decarbonised future; for example, the Cambridge University spin-out Immaterial, a Deeptech company focused on Advanced Materials and engineering with the ability to capture point source CO2 with patented m-MOFs or store cost efficiently Hydrogen. 

The portfolio includes an alternative fuels company, Titan Clean Fuels, decarbonising the shipping and transport sector with direct impact on CO2 reduction, but as well no SOx and 90% less NOx, while blending liquified Biogas now and Synthetic E-fuels in the future. The least capital intensive decarbonisation of the shipping sector using existing infrastructure.

Miami-based CapaciTech Energy which makes flexible supercapacitors to complement batteries and provides smart infrastructure improvements of challenged grids, increasing lifespan and ROI. Or Pittsburgh (USA) based H-Quest offering carbon-free hydrogen production at point of demand without excessive CAPEX spent on new infrastructure and storage while producing simultaneously valuable Carbon-Black to substitute hydrocarbon utilisation and high-grade in batteries. 

While UK based Vedra-Hydrogen focuses on existing fuel-infrastructure of mature oil wells with large scale in-situ hydrogen production with CO2 sequestration. Whereas, Dutch EVBio Tech bacterial engineering focuses on sustainable alternative chemical products or Boston based Detrapel-Impermea Materials producing protective sustainable PFAS-free, plastic-free and fluorine-free bio based coatings.

advanced technologies / life Science & growth

Innovative companies leveraging computational strengths

Fascinated by the enhanced possibilities of computational analytics of large datasets, Flobas Ventures made investments in innovative Life Science and growth companies benefiting from these capabilities in their identification of prospective applications at transformative low cost and finding future global applications at “high iterative speed”.

For example Vector Bioscience Cambridge (UK), use of data driven selection of cargoes & antibodies with nanoparticles as drug delivery vehicles. Their cargo agnostic, plug-and-play platform offers the possibility for composition-of-matter patents extension of the patent lifecycle of drug. It’s customisable & scalable with no major changes.

Or, Boston based Elektrofi revolutionizing the delivery of biologic therapies through our ultra-high concentration microparticle platform technology; offering smarter medicine delivery in a fraction of time versus current treatments.

Revolutionizing patients’ treatment experiences and resolving the formulating and delivery limitations. Where Cortirio (UK) developed a low cost portable scanners for brain injuries at the point of care to rapidly diagnose and monitor traumatic brain injuries with proprietary algorithms. Saving time saving brain function, preventing disability and death. 

And, inspired by nature, Harvard University spin out Metalmark Innovations, revolutionizing air purification by developing self-cleaning air purification systems, without re-release of byproducts and destroying many types of pollution. 

While, insure-tech company PhotoCert advanced visual AI sensing enables image authentication for visual inspections and process automation in the Insurance industry and Welsh based university spin-out Zeal Innovations developed an unique lightweight metal alloy composite amour technology for many applications. With their first designs being marketed as Litelok for security locks for bikes.

Flobas Ventures

Jogchum Brinksma


“learn 2 new things every day and
meet 2 inspiring people a week"